

Astragalus membranaceus Bunge


Perennial plant, 30-40 cm high, belonging to the Leguminosae family, native to Mongolia and China where it is grown from seed or by propagation. It requires sandy and humid soils and a sunny exposure. It has hairy branched stems separated by 12-18 pairs of leaflets; the leaves, 3-6 cm long, have an elliptic triangular shape, imparipinnate and alternate. The flowers are grouped in inflorescences; the fruits are pods, which enclose the seeds. The roots are cylindrical, flexible, covered by a hard, wrinkled membrane, with a color varying from yellow to brown; the pulp inside has a mild, slightly sweet flavor, often reminiscent of licorice.

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  • Stimulates the defenses in general.
  • Immunostimulant, especially in infections of viral origin: colds, flu, herpes, hepatitis.
  • Prevention of clods, flu and other respiratory infections.
  • Maintenance of cardiovascular health.


Monografía de la SEFIT (Sociedad Española de Fitoterapia).

Ping Liu, Haiping Zhao, Yumin Luo. Anti-aging implications of Astragalus membranaceus (Huangqi) a well known Chinese tonic. Agind and Disease. Volume 8, Number 6; 868-886, December 2017.

Xiaoxia Li, Lu Qu, Yongzhe Dong, Lifeng Han et al. A review of recent research progress on the Astragalus genus. Molecules 2014 Nov; 19(11): 18850–18880.

Hui Wu, Yan Gao, Hai-Lian Shi et al. Astragaloside IV improves lipid metabolism in obese mice by alleviation of leptin resistance and regulation of thermogenic network. Scientific Reports. Article number: 30190 (2016).

Chao M, Zou D, Zhang Y, Chen Y, Wang M, Wu H, et al. Improving insulin resistance with traditional Chinese medicine in type 2 diabetic patients. Endocrine. 2009; 36 (2): 268-74.

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