Heartburn or acid reflux is an
unpleasant burning feeling in the chest or in the upper part of the abdomen. In
some cases, it may even reach the throat.
Usually, it
is not a severe affection and the majority of people experience this feeling
sometimes in their lives, especially elderly people or pregnant women. However,
when it happens frequently, we start talking about gastro-oesophageal reflux
disease and can be classified into three stages, depending on the frequency
of symptoms:
Stage I:
three or less episodes of reflux per week.
Stage II:
more than three episodes per week.
Stage III:
daily symptoms
The most
common symptoms are:
Why do we
have reflux?
The stomach
produces acid to help digest food. When the valve separating the stomach and
the oesophagus doesn’t close well, the acid can go back into the oesophagus,
causing reflux. The oesophagus is the tube that takes the food from the mouth
to the stomach.
Some of the
factors that directly influence the apparition of heartburn:
Tips to
reduce reflux:
Food and
Reflux is
closely linked to our diet. There are foods that can make it worse and others
that can help soothe it.
Want to
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the last issue of our magazine Qualitas Vitae (Spanish) and learn which medicinal
plants you need depending on what health disorder you suffer from, what causes
the lack of energy, w what you eat affects a woman’s hormonal health, the
essentials to keep a healthy weight...much more!