
Where did I park the car? What was I about to do in the kitchen? What was on the shopping list? Everyone has asked themselves this kind of questions. Are they really just daily slips or is there a severe disorder behind them? Memory problems happen to anyone of any age and are often a cause for concern.

Many studies demonstrate that cognitive loss starts at 20, but it usually goes unnoticed, since we have the enough capacity to deal with daily tasks. This loss is more obvious between 45 and 49 years old, and becomes more frequent and generalized from the age of 75. As we age, the brain changes: the number of cells in some regions of the brain decreases and so does the length of the prolongation of brain cells. Also, the vascular flux decreases. The above makes concentration and paying attention more difficult and our learning system becomes slower. Summing up: our memory is less efficient.

When should I worry?

Not all problems related to memory are due to dementia. Many of the slips we have are caused by just not paying enough attention or even to our brains, that distort reality. Among the initial symptoms of dementia, we can find:

  • Experiencing disorientation in time and space: getting lost in familiar places, misplacing events...
  • Frequently forgetting what has been done that day or the day before, where things were left, or familiar people’s name...
  • Having problems to do daily tasks (taking a shower, cooking, brushing their hair...)
  • Having abrupt mood and behaviour changes.

In general, the person affected doesn’t identify or doesn’t want to recognize the symptoms, so the people around them are the ones who notice said symptoms. Then, it’s time to seek advice from a health professional, so a proper diagnosis can be made. In case of being the starting point of dementia, the sooner it gets detected, the sooner treatment starts in order to improve the symptoms and the quality of life of the affected person.

Plants for memory

Stimulating the memory of elderly people affected by cognitive deficit is as important as the developing the mental capacity when one is young. Plants can help stimulate your brain capacity.

  • GINKGO Ginkgo biloba

According to the European Medicines Agency, dry extract of leaves of ginkgo can be used to improve cognitive impairment related to age and the quality of life of adults affected by mild dementia.

  • WATER HYSSOP Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst.

With neuroprotective and nootropic action, it improves brain activity. Also, water hyssop boost memory and learning.

  • COCOA Theobroma cacao

Cocoa grains are rich in flavanols. These, according to different studies, have the capacity to delay cognitive impairment related to age.
There are studies that confirm that retention span in elderly patients improves thanks to the intake of flavanols.

  • FIRMOSS Huperzia serrata

It increases brain activities due to its content in hypericin A. This is an active principle that possesses many neuroprotective properties. It is vital in the learning processes, memory and attention.

  • SAGE Salvia lavandulifolia and Salvia officinalis

Many studies have demonstrated that these genres of plants have beneficial effects over the brain and cognitive functions. Among them, we can find: memory, attention and concentration.

  • LEMON BALM Melissa officinalis

Traditionally used to soothe mild symptoms of mental stress and to help falling asleep. Many studies have been published that confirm the action of lemon balm over the central nervous system, as well as its capacity to improve memory, states of alert and mood, both in youngsters and elderly people.

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