

Senior care for senior cats and dogs

Adapting food, exercise, the environment or visits to the vet are just some of the fundamental changes that we should do when our pets become Seniors. The age at which cats and dogs become seniors varies from species and breed; although, usually, 7 years old is considered the beginning of this new stage for both species. But there is something we all agree on: as cats and dogs grow and become old, their needs change and need special care in order to keep healthy and happy. Keep reading to find out the special care for senior cats and dogs.


As time passes, dogs and cats’ metabolism slows down and our pets may become prone to putting on weight.

What should you consider? Food specially formulated for adult dogs, containing ingredients that help their joint and digestive health.


It is important that they do some exercise, even if it is not the same amount as it was before. Adjust the intensity and duration of walks and playing time of your dog based on its capacity. For cats, interactive toys can be a good option for keeping the stimulated.


Joint problems, digestive and teeth problems, loosing eyesight, hearing or even smell are some of the most frequent causes for a visit to the vet when our companions are getting old.

Any of these conditions will affect their quality of life, so going for some routine check ups and following the advice from professional vets will make their life easier.


Did you know that plants can also help pets with their health problems?

When food alone is not enough, complimenting their diet with natural food supplements is an interesting option.

Boswellia, known for its properties for joint health; licorice and its benefits to digestive health; maqui berries for the eyesight or thyme for respiratory problems are some of the plans used in phytotherapy for cats and dogs.


If, before, they used stairs without any problem, maybe it is time to start using ramps or little steps that help them to move better inside the house.

Make sure food, water and litter box are accessible for them.

And of course…. Lots of love and affection!

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