

Tips to protect your locomotive system

Our locomotive system is the one that enables us to move. The muscular and skeletal systems work synergically to produce movement, but they also support our bodies since they give us the necessary resistance and stability to maintain our position and protect our inner organs.

The locomotive system is made of different organs:

  • BONES: They maintain our bodies upright and protect the inner organs. In addition, our skeleton works as a storehouse of minerals and contains the bone marrow, which is responsible for blood cell development and storage.
  • JOINTS: They are in charge of enabling movement. They are formed of synovial fluid, cartilage and menisci.
  • MUSCLESThey are masses of elastic and resistant tissue that pull the bones when we move.
  • TENDONS: They are tough but flexible bands of fibrous tissue that attach muscles to bones. They are composed of collagen.
  • LIGAMENTS: They are bands of solid and elastic tissue that attach bones to joints. They are composed of collagen.

The problems that may affect our osteoarticular system are multiple. More than 20% of the population suffers from problems related to joint and bone wear. This percentage increases with age.

  • Osteoporosis is a bone disease characterized by a reduction in the density of the bone tissue, resulting in excessive bone fragility and the risk of suffering from fractures. It is the most frequent bone disease and its prevention is essential to avoid the progression of the pathology. Among the recommendations for keeping and increasing bone density is the proper intake of certain specific vitamins (vitamin D, vitamin MK7) and minerals (calcium, magnesium) that guarantee both a suitable calcium supply and its appropriate absorption and transport, mainly for its incorporation into the bones in order to keep them strong. Calcium is a mineral that is often deposited in arteries.
  • Regarding degenerative pathologies, arthrosis or osteoarthritis is a disease with a high prevalence nowadays, that generates disability and is usually slowly developed over many years. It affects the cartilage of the synovial joints, which is worn away and can cause pain and stiffness in the joints, which ends up producing difficulties in movement and routine activities, particularly in the elderly. It is a diurnal discomfort with stiffness in the morning, that increases with overloading and standing, and decreases with rest and light movement. It can affect any joint but is more frequent in small hand joints, in the joint at the big toe base (bunion), hips, knees, and the spine. There are supplements that work as preventive measures to reduce the risk of developing osteoarthritis or delaying its onset. Vegetable amino acids from soybeans, glucosamine sulfate, chondroitin sulfate, methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) and hyaluronic acid are quite important supplements in order to counteract daily and natural wear, to which the joints are subdued since they are natural substances found in cartilage. Vitamins and minerals (vitamins C, A, D, B1, B2, pantothenic acid, B6, calcium, magnesium, manganese, silicon) are also necessary for proper remineralization and bone formation.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis stands out among inflammatory pathologies, a chronic autoimmune disease characterized by the inflammation of the synovial membrane of joints. Its symptoms are heat, reddening, swelling and joint pain with a reduction in joint mobility. It may also present general symptoms such as fatigue, a feeling of discomfort, slight fever, a lack of appetite and body weight loss. It usually affects multiple joints symmetrically and may also damage cartilages, bones, tendons and ligaments, which may entail a significant impairment of functionality and life quality. In this case, recommendations are focused on relieving pain, reducing inflammation, and stopping or delaying joint damage and improving the functions and well-being of people. In order to reduce pain and swelling, it is advisable to take anti-inflammatory and analgesic plants, and supplements of omega-3 fatty acids. Devil’s claw, rose hip, Boswellia, sage and olive bisphenols are medicinal plants whose active components work synergically to enhance their anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, which enable them to act in the different stages and biological processes of the joint inflammatory process. In addition, they present the great advantage of having no side effects, so they might be a good alternative or complement to conventional anti-inflammatory drugs. Egg membrane is also an efficient natural substance without side effects, with anti-inflammatory, analgesic and cartilage regenerating properties.
  • These plants are also quite beneficial in cases of sprains and tendonitis. Moreover, in these cases, supplementation with organic silicon and glycine is important, since not only do they contribute to the prevention but also to the acceleration of the recovery of sports injuries (bruises, fractures, muscle fractures, sprains, tendonitis, etc.).
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