
You cannot miss them in your diet. Indeed, flaxseeds should be essential in your diet, as they are full of properties

Flaxseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) is flat and oval. Its color varies from light yellow to dark brown and has a pleasant nutty flavor. We extract flaxseed flour and oil from it.
Flaxseeds are a very complete food that stands out for being one of the greatest sources of omega-3, fiber and bioactive substances, as well as proteins, vitamins and minerals.
The nutritional richness makes flaxseeds stand out for these beneficial properties:

  • Improve gastrointestinal transit and digestive processes because of the content of non-soluble fiber and mucilages.
  • Antioxidant action, which is mainly due to the presence of lignans, phenolic acids and flavonoids.
  • Anti-inflammatory action: they are useful in cases of rheumatoid arthritis, as they are one of the vegetable sources with the greatest content of alpha-linoleic acid (omega-3).
  • Help control weight and reduce abdominal fat due to its rich content of fiber and healthy fatty acids, which produce a sensation of satiety.
  • Protect your cardiovascular health. Lipid-lowering action as they reinforce the elasticity of blood vessels and prevent the formation of fat deposits in the internal wall of arteries.
  • Hypoglycemic action. Thanks to its content of mucilages that reduce the intestinal absorption of carbohydrates.
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