
Anxiety disorders are the most common mental disorders worldwide. According to WHO, 4% of the global population suffers from an anxiety disorder. Feeling anxiety is a normal reaction in our body, but when this feeling becomes intense and excessive, then it has become a health problem.

Whose heart hasn’t beaten faster or who hasn’t experience sweating and a dry mouth before doing an exam or before a job interview? This is what is known as anxiety and it is a normal response of the body to face a scaring situation.

What is anxiety?

Anxiety can be defined as the feeling of restlessness, nervousness or insecurity when facing a stressful or uncertain situation. This causes a reaction of the organism and makes us put ourselves to safety by avoiding or running away from said danger.

Is it wrong to have anxiety?

Anxiety is a normal and necessary reaction, since it allows us to adapt and protect ourselves against different menacing or dangerous situations of our daily life.

But when this reaction turns abnormal and becomes an anxiety disorder, the intensity, frequency or duration of these responses are exaggerated, and there are more and more triggering stimuli, or the situation becomes uncontrollable.

What does anxiety feel like?

Generally speaking, anxiety produces an intense activation of the nervous system and the organism. This is made as a preparation of the body to react fast and causes psychical and physical manifestations.

Anxiety manifestations can vary from mild to severe: From simple nervousness to a panic attack, depending on the person and the triggering situation.

Thus, the person affected can suffer from lack of air and difficulty breathing or their heart can beat faster. Also, feeling pain in the chest, dizziness, digestive troubles, etc is possible. In the most severe cases, patients may suffer from fears and phobias.

When should I seek professional help?

Paying attention to the apparition of the firsts symptoms of anxiety is important, in order to take the adequate measures and prevent the situation from becoming worse and suffering more severe crisis that can negatively affect daily life.

Did you know that our intestine can influence, for the better or worse, the brain? 

These days, the gut-microbiota-brain axis is more and more talked about. This term references the bidirectional and dynamic relationship between these organs of the body. An adequate and normal functioning of said organs is fundamental for a healthy organism and any alteration of the connection mentioned above can cause digestive, metabolic or brain disorders.

Some tips to soothe anxiety

  • Sleep as much as you need, eat a healthy diet and do physical exercise regularly. Take into account different disciplines and tools that may help, such as relaxing and breathing techniques, yoga, listening to music...
  • Learn how to handle difficult situations and irrational worries, by seeking professional help if necessary.
  • There are also medicinal plants like passionflower, valerian or hawthorn that can constitute an important help, since they contribute to calm anxiety, stress or nervousness and falling asleep. When possible, one should make use of these natural remedies, as they are an alternative to conventional medicine and have the advantage of not having their side effects.
  • Psychobiotics. A growing number of research verifies the promising effects of certain probiotics (psychobiotics) for mental disorders like anxiety, mood alterations or depression. Said research confirms that gut microbiota (millions of microorganisms that live in our bowel in a symbiotic relationship with us), develops a key role in mental health through the gut-microbiota-brain axis. Specifically, this action is related to modulating emotional and behavioural responses. The first clinical studies that asses the effects of a psychobiotic in humans were made based on the association of two different strains: Lactobacillus helveticus Rossel®-52 and Bifidobacterium longum Rossel®-175. Thanks to these studies, researches observed a reduction of gastrointestinal symptoms related to stress: a reduction of psychological stress in healthy individuals and an improvement of mood, anxiety and sleep in patients affected by mild to moderate depression.
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