

8 foods to reinforce your immune system

Through our diet, we provide our body with the nutrients it needs to stay healthy. Take note of the foods you cannot miss on your shopping list during autumn to help your body have strong defenses.

If we have a strong immune system, our body will be able to tackle viruses and bacteria. A varied and well-balanced diet is one of our main allies to ensure our body is able to properly deal with the attack of these external agents and thus avoid colds. Through diet, we need to provide our body with the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fatty acids that are essential for its functioning.

In the autumn shopping basket, we have to include some indispensable foods that will help us have strong defenses, thanks to the nutrients they supply us. Take note: 

Citrus fruits

These fruits are rich in vitamin C and other phytochemicals that potentiate their action on our bodies. They enhance the function of the immune system and reduce the duration and intensity of colds and flu. Besides oranges, grapefruits and lemons, we can find vitamin C in kiwis and peppers as well.

Seeds and nuts

Pumpkin seeds, for instance, are rich in zinc. When this mineral is deficient, the immune response may be worsened, as well as if we lack vitamin B6, which is found in walnuts, for example.

Yogurt or kefir

These foods contain probiotics that enhance the balance of the intestinal microbiota. The defensive barrier of our intestine is essential to ensuring the exchange of nutrients and keeping us healthy.

Oily fish

Salmon, sardines, mackerel, etc. have a high content of omega-3 fatty acids, which are great allies of the immune system. They also contain proteins, minerals and vitamin D.


Foods such as broccoli, kale and cabbages are rich in glucosinolates, which are sulfur substances that enhance the immune system and are rich in vitamin C.

Mushrooms and fungi

They reinforce the immune system because they contain powerful compounds called beta-glucans, which are able to stimulate our defenses.

Garlic, onion and leek

The foods of the allium genus, thanks to their content of allicin, enhance the proper functioning of our immune system and are antiseptic. Moreover, they are a source of prebiotics, which are substances that enhance the growth of beneficial bacteria inside our gut.

Orange, red and dark green vegetables

Pumpkin, carrot, tomato, spinach, cantaloupe, etc. are important sources of beta-carotene, which is a compound that our body transforms into vitamin A and that helps protect us from infections.

Both what we eat and what we should avoid are important facts to consider here. Ultra-processed and refined foods that reduce the capacity of our immune system are not recommended.

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