

6 tips to travel with your dog this summer

Have you decided to travel with your pet? Make the most of their company by following these basic tips.

Summer is the perfect time to enjoy a well-deserved vacation, and what better way to do it than with your loyal companion? Traveling with your dog may be a wonderful experience, as long as you take some basic precautions. Follow these six basic tips and enjoy a safe and worry-free vacation. 

1. Choose a pet-friendly location

Prior to starting any journey, it is important to plan it in advance. Search for pet-friendly locations and verify if there are specific restrictions for dogs. Make sure you book animal-friendly lodgings and check the local regulations regarding walks and dog-friendly areas. Planning ahead will allow you to avoid unpleasant surprises during your journey.

2. Prepare its luggage

Just like you, your dog also needs his own traveling kit: food, water, toys, a comfortable blanket or bed, extra leashes, waste bags, and any medication he may need. Remember to carry familiar items to make your dog feel safer and more comfortable during the journey.

3. Have a veterinary consultation

Make sure his health is in good condition and his vaccines are up-to-date before the journey. Have a veterinarian do your dog a general check-up and ask him for some tips on any additional precautions you should take considering your destination. Moreover, remember to carry a copy of the medical records and health card of your dog, and search for the phone number of a veterinarian near your destination before traveling.

4. Travel safely by car

If you are to travel by road, use a suitable means of transport for your dog, both for his safety and to avoid distractions while you drive. Never leave him unleashed or let him stick his head out of the window since this could be dangerous.

Make frequent stops so that your dog and you can stretch your legs, relieve yourselves, and drink water. Use these stops to go for a short walk with your dog and allow him brief play times.

5. Consider the weather at your destination

Summer heat can also be exhausting for our pets. Avoid walking during the hottest hours of the day and search for shades to rest. Give your dog fresh water and never leave him inside the car.

6. Make a progressive adaptation

If it is the first time you are going on a long journey with your dog, you can previously make short trips to get him used to traveling. This will help reduce stress and anxiety.

Happy holidays! 

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